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Home>Gel Blasters>Rifles>MP5KPDW Manual and automatic drum version
MP5KPDW Manual and automatic drum version

MP5KPDW Manual and automatic drum version

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US$ 49.99
color: graffiti

This blaster Can only ship to USA from the US warehouse,
And from China to European union countries, Russia, Chile

Material: plastic
Fire mode: manual / full auto
Color: graffiti
Ammo: 7mm gels
Shooting range: 15-20m
Rate of fire:  6-7 RPS
Firepower: 140-150 FPS
Size: 75x27cm
Weight: 1kg.

Package includes:
1x   gel ball blaster
1x pack of gel ball
1x suppressor
1x drum mag
1x holo sight
1x safety glasses
1x sling
1x 7.4v battery with charger

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